My name is Camelia (most call me Camille for some reason of pronunciation difficulty). I currently live in the High Desert of California. Although I was born and lived in Romania until high school, I became a US citizen, joined the army, and served for 8yrs. After Desert Storm the company was established at Fort Irwin, and I've been here ever since, with promises that I'll soon be heading back home on the East coast. I can't believe I've been here now for almost two decades.
Tech Supply roomies. Saudi. Desert Storm. Lots of rain, surprisingly for a desert.
I have sold quite a lot of items across the years, when I had time, and now selling what is left, thus the Personal Sale. Most of the items belonged to the owner, who was a professional photographer, 85 yrs old when he passed. A few items I have picked up at either estate sales, or garage sales; most will be listed in the 'Other' section.
All my civilian jobs have been at Army bases, in supply and IT, however am currently unemployed. In the meantime, I do a lot of programming in lottery analysis, which I enjoy tremendously. I have a knack for fixing computer related problems, hardware or software; I just don't give up until I find out what is wrong and how to fix it; most of the time is something I've never encountered before--that is the beauty.
I love fishing (although not particularly fond of hooking the worm on the hook), camping, ping-pong, writing abstracts thoughts, painting abstract things and writing things on the side,...and did I say, the lottery?! Yah, I love more the analysis than anything else--the suspense and curiosity of the numbers and their trends.
Enjoy your perusing, and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call or email. The phone number is my Google Voice number. Google Voice let's you call long distance from a regular phone to a regular phone within the US; all you have to do is get a free account with google, or gmail. Great service.